Thursday, February 11, 2010

We survived the Blizzard of 2010!

Looks everything will be back to normal tomorrow which is a mixed blessing - going back to work on a Friday?! bleh! lol

Here's a picture taken from the driveway looking at the front walk - you can see our steps on the right (almost), the neighbor's house is on the left. Not as dramatic in the bright sunshine!

I did get a nice calorie burn from shoveling the two days, but not as good a burn as I get when I go to the gym. Jogging on the treadmill is a hell of a lot easier than shoveling and Zumba class is a hell of a lot more fun so I'll be glad to get back to the gym tomorrow!

Sunday, February 7, 2010

I did finally get to watch Food, Inc. and if you haven't watched it, I can't recommend it highly enough.

Have you been following the Tea Party convention this weekend? I haven't seen much of it but the little I have seen on CNN podcasts does not impress me. Like other political conventions I see no solid ideas and lots of finger-pointing and name calling. Nothing revolutionary there. Give me something I can stand behind, a tangible plan. A blanket "tax cut and fiscal responsibility" statement isn't measurable. Let me see some actual numbers and data. How will schools be funded and our country be defended if you shut down the Education and Defense departments? How will the roads get paved with no DoT?

And, just out of curiosity oh Tea Partiers - where were those cute little $90 tea bag necklaces made?

I think I fall into the camp of Americans that are frustrated and really don't know where to turn or what to do. There are so many worthy causes I'd like to champion that I stand still and do nothing. I don't know WHAT to do.

Now for my own fiscal responsibility - I think I'm going to do my taxes today.

Til next time!


Sunday, January 24, 2010

Wow, that was easy!

Ok, so creating a blog has been on my to-do list for a little while and now it's done! Odds are it will remain fairly primitive, but I hope to keep it updated and relevant.

About me:
  • I'm an opinionated woman who is always right - until I decide I'm not right - in which case I'm still right.
  • Mom to the greatest 21 year old young woman on the planet (sorry to you other moms of 21 year old young women)
  • Perhaps a tad competitive
  • 40 years old but I feel like I'm just getting started, I guess that's pretty common though.
  • Not married but living with my boyfriend who I met while playing Everquest (which is where the Kindo in Kindo's Korner comes from). I don't play anymore but he still does - which is sometimes a touchy subject but usually only about once a month. ;)
  • I love games but don't allow myself to play them much because there is so much I want to learn and do, I get involved in a game and I tend to let everything go
  • I love living healthy although this is an ongoing learning process for me because I also love to eat
  • My love of eating has resulted in my belonging to the not-so-exclusive club of obese Americans
Ok, that's enough about me for now!

I have no idea the direction this blog is gonna go, it's likely to change with my mood. For now, my passion lies with healthy living and the crisis our country is in because of the lack of it.

I hope today to have the opportunity to finally sit down and watch the movie Food, Inc. which is on dvd as well as Netflix (you can watch instantly if you have Netflix). I've wanted to watch it since I heard about it on CNN when it was released.

That's it for now, until next time...
